Un Viaje de Amor: El Hombre que Recorre México con su Carrito, Salvando Perros Callejeros y Tocando Corazones



Vi a un hombre que camina con un carrito por México salvando cientos de perros callejeros y su historia me conmovió

Hace unos meses, estaba conduciendo fuera del pequeño pueblo mexicano de Mazunte, Oaxaca, cuando vi una vista peculiar al costado de la carretera. Un hombre empujaba un carrito por la carretera rodeado de perros.

Los perros estaban encima de su carrito. Los perros estaban detrás de él, delante de él y a su lado. Las colas se movían furiosamente, se oían ladridos y él seguía empujando su carrito a través del calor.

Esta es la historia de Edgardo Perros. ¡Ha caminado 14.000 km por el perímetro de México salvando perros heridos y enfermos! En los últimos seis años, ha salvado a casi 500 perros. Su humildad y compasión por todos los seres fueron tan sorprendentes que me conmovieron.

Por ejemplo, cuando encuentra un perro que está demasiado herido para poder salvarlo, se tumba con él en el camino para que tenga compañía al pasar.

“No one helps dogs living homeless on the roads. This is where I saw their pain,” said 49-year-old Edgardo

“What hurts me the most, is not the battered, hurt or abandoned dogs. It is the person that is doing it”

“I think that what someone in this situation needs, no matter if a person or animal, is some company and even a little bit of love”

Over the past six years, he has rescued and successfully homed close to 500 sick and injured dogs

He has found many dogs that were too damaged to be rescued. “Usually, I just keep them company, until in a natural way, they rest,” said Edgardo

To date, he has walked nearly 14,000 km around Mexico. He only has 1,432 km left to travel to reach his goal


Edgardo has three dogs of his own that have been by his side from the beginning of his journey 6 years ago

This is Negro


and Chilletas

Patuleco was born with “swimmers syndrome“ and has dysplasia which means he doesn’t have knees. He’s been on the road with Edgardo for 3 years

A three-legged master Sin Pata has been traveling for a year now, and is waiting to be adopted

A beautiful China Pong is looking for a permanent home and has been on the road with him for almost three years

Kiwi was found with a severe skin condition but is now well and looking for a forever home

Little Enzo is now healing in a clinic after leg amputation due to bone infection. After that, he will join the journey and learn how to walk from Sensei Sin Pata

Other dogs have been castrated, vaccinated and are learning to behave before they are ready for adoption

“I can’t live the rest of my life just saying ‘I traveled once around Mexico and helped dogs.’ I want to continue to work with dogs”