UFO – USO seen over ᵼҺe ocean: It flew, dɨved and emerged from ᵼҺe water! - Media News 48

UFO – USO seen over ᵼҺe ocean: It flew, dɨved and emerged from ᵼҺe water!

The object appeared on the camera footage in the form of orange light



UFO – USO seen over the ocean: It flew, dived and emerged from the water! 



Another interesting and incredible footage of a UFO – USO appeared on the Internet.



A boy was watching the surf camera feed from the beacons at Encinitas (California) around 10:30 p.m, and then something incredible happened.



The UFO – USO appeared on the camera footage in the form of orange light! An orange item can be seen in the lower left corner of the screen around the three minute mark. We saw the item emerge from the water and then sink.



While seeing the orange object with an orange tail as it hovered, then dove, then a fast-moving light started flashing. Ascend when it appeared to be at the horizon. Flashed before going away.



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