UAP Fleet Sighting: Mysterious Formation Appears in New Mexico Skies on May 4, 2023, Stirring Intense Speculation



Hey this just in all. A person was on a passenger jet and was over New Mexico when they noticed six glowing disks outside in the distance. The objects were seen traveling above, and through the clouds and look as large as the passenger jet itself.

The interesting thing is that these objects are flying very close together, as if it’s trying to mimic military formation in case they do get intercepted by military they will be safer this way, and also less change of being seen in not spread over a long distance.

If this was a daily event, full disclosure would have happened by now. We need more evidence like this.

Our aircraft was traveling over the state of New Mexico near Taos with an air speed of roughly 490mph and a little over 30,000 feet above sea level. These objects kept pace with our aircraft for the duration of the sighting and didn’t appear to ascend or descend at any point.

When I first noticed the objects the lights coming from them appeared a bright yellowish orange color with a flame like appearance.

The light source coming from the objects seemed to pulsate at a steady interval, when the light source would dim at times I could make out a reflective silver rim on 2 of the objects.