Twice Abandoned, Forever Loved: Disabled Dog Overcomes Heartbreak to Find Joy and Acceptance in a Caring Forever Home

Do you remember the painful story of the little dog Tintin? That cute and innocent three-legged animal that was dumped in the street while desperately trying to follow its owner?


The scenes were captured in Sao Leopoldo, a city in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul.

You can see a white car parked next to a deserted road, from which a woman gets out and immediately drags a white dog that only has three legs.

There were two criminals for one victim…! It all started when, due to a fight between a couple, the wife paid her anger by simply throwing the dog into the street, in front of her husband’s workplace.

Well, it seems that justice takes time, but it always arrives. And today the former people responsible for Tintin are fully identified and have been reported to the police authorities.

According to Anderson Ribeiro, member of the Municipal Secretariat for Animal Protection (Sempa), the woman and her partner will respond to the accusations against them. They must do so before the Public Ministry and the Municipal Environment Secretariat of São Leopoldo, for the crime of unfair treatment and rejection of animals.

Ribeiro has also confirmed that witnesses have been called to testify. The penalty for animal abuse ranges from three months to a year in prison and a fine.

It caused such a stir and displays of solidarity that even the famous television presenter Tatá Werneck, as well as several Internet users, offered to adopt Tintin.

Fortunately, just one day after the video was posted, animal charity Patas Guerreras had taken in the dog.

The images that were later shared on Twitter showed Tintin already very handsome and recovered.

The organization said Tintin is doing “exceptionally well,” given the horrific circumstances under which he was abandoned.

They also noted that the disabled dog is being showered with love and care by his new owners, just as he deserves.

Now he seems happy and as healthy as ever.

Cuddled by his new owners, the handsome boy seems to have finally found his forever home and true happiness.

And both the entire world, and the adorable Tintin, have the peace of mind that he will never be mistreated again because his former owners will pay with prison.