Treasure “hunting” fever: Many people flock to Antarctica to search for the secret of the three black pyramids. Q

Two of the three pyramids are located approximately 16 kilometers inland, while the remaining one was found near the coast, Ewao reported

Until now, there has never been any research mentioning an ancient сіⱱіɩіzаtіoп in Antarctica, especially not a pyramid. So how did these pyramids get there?

Pyramids in Antarctica and Pyramids in Egypt taken from Google eагtһ satellite images. Photo: Google eагtһ

As all of us know, Antarctica is very cold. But according to Dr. Vanessa Bowman, after millions of years of movement, Antarctica was previously estimated to have been located near the equator, and was covered with lush tropical forests before drifting to its present-day location, where All year round it is covered with white snow.

To explain the “phenomenon” of pyramids growing in the middle of Antarctica, scientists will have to spend a lot of time. Photo: Google eагtһ

NASA also seems to agree with the above hypothesis. During an expedition to Lake Vida in Antarctica, they also discovered organisms in the form of bacteria trapped under a thick layer of ice. They look more like their descendants that live in hot climates than in cold climates.

However, returning to the idea of ​​building a pyramid in Antarctica, things become dіffісᴜɩt to explain. Who will build it? Building a pyramid requires a huge amount of human and logistical resources. This raises many complex problems and takes a lot of time to find explanations.