Touching moment: Dog Literally Cries Tears of Joy When She Sees Her Rescuers Coming

When a tiny puppy fell into a deep well in India, he immediately began swimming around frantically, trying to stay afloat. Luckily for him, the water was filled with trash that the puppy could lean against so that he wouldn’t drown. The poor puppy was so scared and terrified but refused to give up — and began crying as loud as he possibly could, until finally, someone heard him.

puppy rescued from a well
Animal Aid Unlimited

Animal Aid Unlimited got a call about the puppy after someone heard him crying desperately for help. Rescuers quickly rushed out to the well and found the puppy swimming in circles, crying over and over and over again.

Even though there was a lot of garbage for the puppy to perch on, his rescuers had no idea how long he’d been in there, and they knew he was probably exhausted. They began to prepare to send someone down into the well, wanting to get to the puppy as quickly as possible before he ran out of energy to keep himself afloat.

puppy rescued from a well
Animal Aid Unlimited

Very carefully, one of the rescuers was lowered down into the well …

puppy rescued from a well
Animal Aid Unlimited

… and was able to reach out and grab hold of the tiny puppy. The puppy seemed to realize the man was there to help him, and waited patiently in one spot until his rescuer had reached him.

puppy rescued from a well
Animal Aid Unlimited

Once the man had a firm grip on the puppy, the rescuers above began to raise both of them back up to safety …

puppy rescued from a well
Animal Aid Unlimited

… until they were out of the well, and the little puppy was finally safe.

puppy rescued from a well
Animal Aid Unlimited

Rescuers dried the puppy off and checked him over, and were delighted to find that he was perfectly OK. He somehow didn’t sustain any injuries from his ordeal, and although he was a little confused and panicked, he eventually calmed down with the help of his rescuers.

puppy rescued from a well
Animal Aid Unlimited

If the little puppy hadn’t been crying for help so loudly, he may have drowned in that well. Instead, he never gave up, and the right people heard him and were able to get him to safety.

Watch the full video of this incredible rescue below:

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