Top 10 Aircraft Carrier Takeoffs and Landings: Incredible Feats of Pilot Skill and Precision!

Aircraft carrier operations are some of the most impressive and demanding feats of aviation. Landing and taking off from the deck of a moving ship requires incredible skill and precision from the pilots and the flight deck crew. Here are the top 10 aircraft carrier landings and takeoffs that showcase the amazing cockpit view of aircraft carrier catapult systems from the pitching deck of US Navy ships.

  1. F-18 Super Hornet “Trap”: This video shows an F-18 Super Hornet landing on the deck of an aircraft carrier using the arresting wire system, known as the “trap.” The pilot expertly catches the wire with the tailhook, bringing the aircraft to a stop in just a few hundred feet.
  2. F-35C Lightning II “Bolter”: This video shows an F-35C Lightning II attempting to land on the deck of an aircraft carrier, but missing the arresting wire and taking off again in a maneuver called a “bolter.”
  3. E-2C Hawkeye “Bolter”: This video shows an E-2C Hawkeye, an airborne early warning aircraft, attempting to land on an aircraft carrier but missing the arresting wire and taking off again in a bolter.
  4. F-14 Tomcat “Cat Shot”: This video shows an F-14 Tomcat taking off from the deck of an aircraft carrier using the catapult system, known as the “cat shot.” The aircraft accelerates from zero to 150 mph in just a few seconds, launching off the end of the carrier’s deck and into the sky.
  5. EA-6B Prowler “Cat Shot”: This video shows an EA-6B Prowler, an electronic warfare aircraft, taking off from the deck of an aircraft carrier using the cat shot.
  6. F-35B Lightning II “Vertical Landing”: This video shows an F-35B Lightning II landing on the deck of an aircraft carrier using its vertical landing capability, without the use of the arresting wire or the catapult system.
  7. AV-8B Harrier II “Vertical Takeoff”: This video shows an AV-8B Harrier II taking off from the deck of an aircraft carrier using its vertical takeoff capability.
  8. F/A-18 Hornet “Night Landing”: This video shows an F/A-18 Hornet landing on the deck of an aircraft carrier at night, using the ship’s deck lights and the pilot’s night vision goggles to guide the approach.
  9. F-14 Tomcat “Carrier Break”: This video shows an F-14 Tomcat making a “carrier break,” a maneuver in which the aircraft approaches the carrier from the side and then banks sharply to line up with the landing deck.
  10. F/A-18E/F Super Hornet “Flyby”: This video shows an F/A-18E/F Super Hornet flying by an aircraft carrier, showcasing the power and agility of this modern fighter jet.

In conclusion, these top 10 aircraft carrier landings and takeoffs demonstrate the incredible skill and precision required to operate aircraft on the deck of a moving ship. From the use of catapult systems and arresting wires to vertical takeoff and landing capabilities, these videos offer a unique and amazing cockpit view of the challenges and excitement of carrier aviation.

