Toddler’s 2,000-Year-Old “Alien” Skeleton Discovered at Ancient Burial Site, Sparking to Claims of Alien Life

Astonishing pictures show the remains of a one-year-old boy whose head appears to be severally deformed.

Due to its strangely shaped skull, the toddler, who was unearthed in eastern Crimea, has been dubbed an “alien” by scientists.

Archaeology Fund researchers digging near the village of Yakovenkovo believe the grave is around 2,000 years old.


It is believed the tot’s head was immediately deformed after birth in line with the “barbarous traditions” of Samaritans, who once resided in the region.

Artificial skull deformation was commonly practiced in ancient times, with many infants subjected to cruel and experimental procedures.

There are theories that skull alteration was used to signify social status.


But the odd shape of the elongated skull, which is reminiscent of fictional depictions of aliens, will doubtless draw the attention of conspiracy theorists.

According to one outlandish theory, extraterrestrial beings from from far away planets seeded humans on Earth as part of an intergalactic science experiment.

An article on “ancient astronauts” by science and conspiracy theory website Crystalinks states that the theory came into prominence during the 1960s.


Its explanation reads: “According to ancient alien theorists, most of whom have researched the topic for decades, extraterrestrials with superior knowledge of science and engineering landed on Earth thousands of years ago, sharing their expertise with early civilizations and forever changing the course of human history.

“To this day researchers look for evidence to support this theory.

Over the years there have been countless dubious claims that deformed skeletons and unusual artifacts proves ancient aliens visited Earth.


Earlier this month a UFO expert claimed the mummified remains of five “alien” bodies were discovered near ancient artwork.

During a press conference held in Lima, Peru, UFO enthusiasts and journalists discussed the alleged discovery of alien remains near the ancient Nazca Lines.

Mexican Ufologist Jaime Maussan claimed that a total of five bodies have been discovered in the past two months and said the remains possess qualities “closer to reptiles than humans”.