This mother covertly adopted a shelter dog that her daughters instantly fell in love with upon first sight.

When Toni was looking at dogs online, she read a sentence that nearly broke her heart:

“Without an adoption commitment she will die in the shelter.”

The sentence was referring to a beautiful dog named Rosie. When Mackenna and Kerrigan read this sentence, they burst out into tears. They couldn’t believe that such a beautiful, loving animal wouldn’t have a chance at a full and happy life.

The girls asked their mum to immediately reserve Rosie and bring her home. But when they went online to enquire about her, it said she was no longer available.

Heartbroken, the girls thought that Rosie had been euthanized by the shelter. When in fact, they were in for the best surprise of their lives.

Unbeknownst to them, their mum had secretly reserved Rosie from the shelter, and had arranged for her to be transported to them. It was an incredibly close call.

Rosie would have been put down if it wasn’t for this family’s intervention. They saved her on the morning of the Saturday that would have been her last day on earth. The gift they’ve given her is nothing short of incredible.

This touching and inspiring video captures the moment that Mackenna and Kerrigan realized that Rosie was joining their family.

Stephen, Rosie’s new dad, reflects on their decision to rehome her:

“We actually made a difference in Rosie’s life. But, in retrospect, Rosie’s actually made a big impact on our lives.”

It wasn’t long until Rosie became best friends with Ziggy, the family’s long-time pet. Now, the girls can’t imagine life without their new rescue dog, and are so grateful to their mum for bringing her home.

This wonderful story just goes to show how one family’s kindness can save the life of an innocent animal. Hopefully, you will take inspiration from them and think about adopting a shelter dog when you want to add a pet to your family!

Check Out This Video Below: