This Is Why This Polish UFO Incident Is The Most Credible One Yet - Media News 48

This Is Why This Polish UFO Incident Is The Most Credible One Yet

Is it feasible for a child to see a UFO sighting? That child, you might say, has a lot of imagination and can see things that aren’t real.

However, in 1978, a farmer in Poland witnessed a party of extraterrestrials. Let’s not forget that there was no internet and no western UFO movies in Poland during that decade.

As a result, there is no room for a collective memory argument in this circumstance. Due to the absence of media in the 1970s and 1980s, most UFO sighting claims are quite trustworthy.

Jan Wolski recalls riding in a wagon out of his house at 5 a.m. Jan observed two hunters traveling in the same way while riding the train. Jan was taken aback when he noticed the two hunters’ features were green.


They walked as though they were leaping and wore something that looked like a diving suit. Jan Wolski was a devout Catholic who did not believe in the existence of extraterrestrials.


The weird creature walked beside the wagon for a while before taking a seat on each side till they arrived at their destination. Wolski can not recall ever feeling threatened.

The farmer noticed a massive rectangular-shaped bus hovering in the air as they arrived at their location.


The farmer’s clear and basic language used to describe all of these incidents makes it difficult to refute.

In the years since a small monument has been erected near the site of the fight, and the event has even been depicted in a Polish comic book.

What are your thoughts on everything?


Is it feasible for a child to see a UFO sighting? That child, you might say, has a lot of imagination and can see things that aren’t real. However, in 1978, a farmer in Poland witnessed a party of extraterrestrials. Let’s not forget that there was no internet and no western UFO movies in Poland…

Is it feasible for a child to see a UFO sighting? That child, you might say, has a lot of imagination and can see things that aren’t real. However, in 1978, a farmer in Poland witnessed a party of extraterrestrials. Let’s not forget that there was no internet and no western UFO movies in Poland…

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