This Huge Alien Mothership Was Spotted Near The Moon With 2 Smaller UFOs - Media News 48

This Huge Alien Mothership Was Spotted Near The Moon With 2 Smaller UFOs

According to online conspiracy theorists, an extraterrestrial mothership was captured above the moon, followed by a swarm of little UFOs.

Four objects may be seen traveling over the lunar horizon in remarkable footage captured by an amateur skywatcher.



A bigger “craft” appears in the center, bordered by three smaller UFos, before fading beneath the moon.

Skywatch International, an amateur skywatcher, published the footage on YouTube. It has now been re-posted on UFOmania, a popular conspiracy website.

In the video assessment, they commented, “It appears to be a fleet of UFOs, a big mothership accompanied by numerous smaller UFOs.”


The video has been seen over 6,000 times since then, with many viewers flocking to the comments area to express their opinions.

One added, “They’re landing at one of the bases on the side of the moon that isn’t visible from Earth.”

“Most certainly extraterrestrial spacecraft,” one hypothesized.

Some speculated that the government’s enigmatic Space Force was at work. Others, though, said the video was a hoax.






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