‘Thinnest Dog Ever Seen Alive’—Starving Pup Who Ate Glass and Batteries Finds Hope in Loving Arms

These shocking photos show the ‘thinnest dog ever seen alive’ which resorted to eating bits of glass and old batteries because it abandoned and left starving.

Eric, pictured, was rescued from the garden of an empty council house in Accrington, Lancashire having been abandoned by his callous owner

Eric, pictured, was rescued from the garden of an empty council house in Accrington, Lancashire having been abandoned by his callous owner

RPCA inspectors said Eric, pictured, was the thinnest dog they have seen survive

RPCA inspectors said Eric, pictured, was the thinnest dog they have seen survive

Inspector Nina Small said: 'As well as being the thinnest dog I've ever seen alive, he had very overgrown nails and was absolutely covered in urine'

Inspector Nina Small said: ‘As well as being the thinnest dog I’ve ever seen alive, he had very overgrown nails and was absolutely covered in urine’

Eric was so weak when rescued that he promptly collapsed and had to be wrapped in metallic thermal blankets to keep him warm.

Eric also had severely overgrown nails, pictured; a further example of the neglect

Eric also had severely overgrown nails, pictured; a further example of the neglect

Since his rescue earlier this month, Eric has put on more than a kilo of weight as he recovers

Since his rescue earlier this month, Eric has put on more than a kilo of weight as he recovers

‘I believe poor Eric has been confined somewhere out of sight, eating whatever he’s been able to get in his mouth, perhaps in a garage or a shed.’

RSPCA inspectors are searching for Eric's owners with a view to prosecuting them

RSPCA inspectors are searching for Eric’s owners with a view to prosecuting them