The Wrath of an Entire Pride of Lions Unleashed on a Lone Male Who Ventures Too Close to a Female’s Cubs

These protective lionesses lashed out without hesitation when a lone male approached their precious cubs – prompting all hell to break loose among the pride as they joined the attack.

Angry lionesses: The two leap at a lion who had approached their cubs in Kenya, Africa

Team work: Lionesses took on the lone lion in a ferocious battle in the wilds of the Masai Mara

Backbiting: One of the lionesses goes to dig her teeth into the roaring lion’s back

Photographer Sarah Skinner managed to capture these images during one of her regular visits to the Masai Mara.

In need of reinforcements: The lion faces three animals from the same pride attack its back

Spectacular scenes: The pride gather together to attack in solidarity, as two lions join the lionesses to circle the intruder

Stand off: Two lions and two lionesses gang up on the lone lion. The lion on the right is the oldest of the group, as distinguished by its darker mane

Going right for the eye: The lioness lands a paw on the lion’s eye as the others gather round to help. The lions are distinguished from the lionesses by their shaggy manes.

Roll over: The lion is pushed onto its back as the two lionesses defend their brood

Beating a retreat: the lion runs off heavily scratched and bloodied from his brawl with the pride