The video that went viral depicts a dog demonstrating to its owner how much it missed her.

Titan had been separated from his owner for two whole years — but he never forgot how to hug.

In a video posted to YouTube last week, Angelina Chastain and her long-lost pet are seen in one appropriately epic embrace. It’s the kind of hug that was years in the making, according to the KMPH Fox 26 report.

Chastain had owned Titan since he was puppy. But two years ago, he ran away from the family’s backyard in Fresno, California. No collar. No microchip.

Despite a frantic search that spanned not only the neighborhood but also social media, Titan wasn’t seen again — until someone posted pictures of an abandoned dog in a Facebook group called Fresno Lost/Found Pets and Homeless Animals.

Chastain arranged a meeting at a nearby hospital parking lot. Chastain is seen in the video sprinting across a parking lot, shrieking his name. And Titan was more than ready for that hug. (Source)

Never forget to put your phone number on your dog’s collar…