The VCR 8×8 Dragon of the Spanish army is set to undergo homologation tests starting in October

Acc???in? t? In??????ns?, th? ?i?st 8×8 Wh??l?? C?m??t V?hicl?s (VCR) D????n ?? th? S??nish A?m? ??? ?l????? ?t th? S?nt? Bá????? Sist?m?s ??ct??? in Alc?lá ?? G????i?? (S?vill?) t? st??t th? h?m?l???ti?n t?sts n?xt Oct????. Th?s? t?sts will l?st ?????xim?t?l? six m?nths, in c??????ti?n with th? N?ti?n?l Instit?t? ?? A???s??c? T?chn?l??? (INTA), which will s????vis? th? t?sts ?n? c??ti?? th? c????iliti?s ?n? t?chnic?l ch???ct??istics ?? th? VCR 8×8.

Th? ?i?st ?? s?v?n 8×8 VCR v?hicl?s, t? ?? ??liv???? in 2022, will s??n ??ll ??? th? ?????cti?n lin?, In??????ns? ?????ts. Th? int????ti?n ?? this ?i?st ?nit ?? th? VCR 8×8 D????n w?s c?m?l?t?? ?t th? ???innin? ?? A???st ?t th? Alc?lá ?l?nt.


On J?l? 28, 2022, th? s?st?m ??si?n ?h?s? ?n??? with th? ?????v?l ?? th? c?itic?l ??si?n ??vi?w ?? th? st?n???? 8×8 VCRs, in th? En?in??? V?hicl? v??si?n ?n? th? In??nt?? C?m??t V?hicl? v??si?n. Ov??c?min? this mil?st?n? is ?? vit?l im???t?nc? t? st??t th? m?n???ct??in? ?n? t?stin? ???c?ss.


In A???st 2020, S??in ?l?c?? ? €1.74 ?n c?nt??ct t? ???c??? 348 8×8 D????n 8×8 Wh??l?? C?m??t V?hicl?s (VCR). Th? c?nt??ct w?s ?w????? ?? th? S??nish Minist?? ?? D???ns? (M?D) t? ? j?int v?nt??? (JV) ?? G?n???l D?n?mics E??????n L?n? S?st?ms-S?nt? Bá????? Sist?m?s (GDELS-SBS), ?s w?ll ?s th??? ?th?? c?m??ni?s.


In D?c?m??? 2021, G?n???l D?n?mics E??????n L?n? S?st?ms (GDELS) ?nn??nc?? th?t ?????cti?n ?? th? 8×8 D????n Wh??l?? C?m??t V?hicl? (RCV) ??? th? S??nish A?m?? F??c?s h?s st??t?? in th? T???i? F?ct??? (Ast??i?s) ?? GDELS-S?nt? Bá????? Sist?m?s with th? c?ttin? ?? th? ?i?st st??l ??m?? ?l?t?.

S???c?: htt?s://www.??m???c??niti?n.c?m/