The unfortunate animal! Incredible moment elephant throws 500kg buffalo into the air like a rag doll

The unfortunate buffalo died after the attack, in Kenya’s Maasai Mara reserve, when it was tossed high into the air by a rampaging bull elephant

A bullying buffalo was gored and then tossed several feet into the air after it picked a fight with a massive mother elephant.

The unfortunate animal – which can weigh more than 500kg – died after the battle shown in these astounding pictures, snapped by an amateur photographer while on holiday in Kenya.

The series of images from the Maasai Mara game reserve shows the elephant charging the buffalo, as three young elephants huddle behind her.

The buffalo had been dozing under a tree when the elephant innocently walked past – but, inexplicably, the smaller of the two beasts decided to charge and headbutt her.

Brutal assault: The elephant bull attacking the buffalo on the ground

Closer view: The elephant gored the buffalo with its tusk

Hoisted aloft: The elephant tossing the buffalo into the air

Crash landing: The buffalo falls to the ground