Birth photography is a highly specialized field and the choice to have the experience documented is an intensely personal decision. It involves the birth process, environment, the parents and those in attendance.
Birth photography captures the magic of creating a new life, the tears of delight, and the joy of family. Photographers that specialize in the subject utilize their work to depict the birthing process.
Have a look at these photos to see how life begins and the emotions read on the faces of new parents.
I’ve Been Waiting For You
That First Gaze
Falling In Love All Over Again
Birth is an emotional event for both parents.
Labor isn’t an easy process.
There can be moments of peace during labor. This photo called “Nowhere and everywhere” won best in the labor category.
Friends and family often can’t wait to get a picture of the newest addition to their life. This photo called “How big” was awarded an honorable mention.