The Great Escape: Nimble Zebra Eludes Hungry Lioness’s Claws with a Massive Buck, Evading Pouncing Predator by Kenyan River

This is the dramatic moment a zebra escaped the clutches of a lion after being ambushed by the big cat when it crossed a river in Kenya.

Footage shows the predator leap at the zebra and briefly gain a grip before its prey kicks up its hind legs and gallops out of harm’s way.

The lioness briefly gained a grip on the Zebra before it managed to escape and gallop across a nearby river in the Maasai Mara, Kenya

Footage shows the big cat clinging on to the zebra’s backside. It was filmed by Graham Boulnois and his wife Jenny Varley

The video starts with the lion prowling near the river before the zebra walks through the water towards it, blissfully unaware of the impending danger.

However, as the zebra approaches the bank the lioness, leaps from its hiding place behind a grassy mound.

To escape the zebra kicked both its feet into the air, which caused the lion to back down

The herd animal had just crossed the river when it was surprised by the big cat

‘However, we saw that a small herd of zebra were on the same side of the river as the lioness.

When it first spotted the lion the zebra hurriedly turned to gallop back across the river

Lionesses rarely hunt alone, preferring to stalk herds and pick off the young, weak and old members in packs.