The Golden-naped Tanager: A rather small, though stunning bird for obvious reason! Just check out that suit of turquoise blue and that strategically placed golden nape. - Media News 48

The Golden-naped Tanager: A rather small, though stunning bird for obvious reason! Just check out that suit of turquoise blue and that strategically placed golden nape.

A Small, Though Stunning Bird, Whose Eye-catching Suit Of Turquoise Blue Is Offset By A Strategically Placed Patch Of Gold!

The golden-naped tanager (Chalcothraupis ruficervix) is a species of bird colored in stunning turquoise. On his face, he sports a black mask that covers the throat area, the crown, and the sides of the head. On the nape of the neck is a bright patch of yellow which can change in color depending on the subspecies. The figures on the wing are mostly black with blue edging. The feathers on the belly are either white or yellow depending on the subspecies.

Both sexes look very similar, though the female may appear slightly duller.

It is similar in appearance to the blue-black tanager, but is more turquoise in color and has a golden nape.

This bird is found chiefly in South America, mainly in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia.

This bird lives mainly around forest edges, secondary growth, and human areas from 900 m to 2400 m altitude.

Golden-naped tanager forage for arthropods, by inspecting the underside of leaves and thin branches. But they are also known to dine on fruit.

There is very little to no current information on the breeding habits of this species other than 2 to 4 eggs are laid by the female and incubated for up to 2 weeks.

This bird is regarded as of Least Concern on the IUCN Red List.


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