The Braz-alien rainforest: Is this creature pictured in the Amazon jungle a visitor from outer-space? - Media News 48

The Braz-alien rainforest: Is this creature pictured in the Amazon jungle a visitor from outer-space?

As biologically diverse as the Amazon is, this peculiar creature would not appear to be a natural inhabitant of the Brazilian jungle or, indeed, Earth for that matter.

Standing just a few feet from a mesmerising flashing light, this unidentified being could offer proof that we are not alone in the universe.

The image comes from a video obtained by noted paranormal writer Michael Cohen and is claimed to have been filmed by two British tourists visiting the Mamaus region of the Amazon.

Proof? A still from a video apparently taken by British tourists in Mamaus region of the Amazon showing an alien-like creature standing in the jungle

Alien environment: Children pose for the camera while, behind them, a bright light flashes (circled right) and what looks like a small being stands to the right of a tree (circled left)

While the camera is focused on some young children, seen in the distance behind them is a silvery light.

However, it is only when the eyes are diverted to the surrounding jungle does it become apparent that there is a small being standing side-on just to the right of a tree, appearing to arch its back.

It is the ‘unmistakable’ form of an ‘alien’. No explanation is offered as to what the light may be.

While for many the images can simply be dismissed as a well-executed hoax, Mr Cohen, who runs the noted paranormal website, suggests the photos go some way to proving the existence of aliens.

He said: ‘This is highly compelling footage that will be hard to discredit.

Just leaving his craft? The lone figure appears to arch its back, perhaps stretching, as the light flashes nearby

Unexplained activity: The bright light is undoubtedly linked to the extraterrestrial, but what could it be? The area has been known for an intense UFO presence

‘It comes from an area known for experiencing intense UFO activity. It is rather apparent that aliens are interested in this region due to its biological diversity.

‘The area was also the focus of a high-level Brazilian government investigation known as Operation Prato, where the army was sent in to monitor and confirm an alien presence in the region.’

He said the Brazilian government denied there was an Operation Prato for years before conceding it did occur and released large amounts of files associated with it.

Having obtained the footage, Mr Cohen, who is well known within UFO and paranormal circles, was inundated with requests from Hollywood producers keen to use his proof.

‘This footage will be used in direct collaboration with an American film and will serve to highlight this as proof of this footage’s veracity,’ he said.

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