“Terrifying Showdown” – Photographer Captures Intense Jaguar Battle for Territory Along the Brazilian Riverbank

This is the moment two jaguars face off in a vicious fight over territory.

Photographer Reynaldo Leite Martins Junior caught the moment two male jaguars fought on a riverbank in Brazil

At first the animals were wary as they circled each other

Then one of the beasts bared his fangs as he let out a terrifying roar

The fight only lasted for five minutes but Mr Martins said it was a ‘magical’ experience.

‘I often go to Porto Jofre, a specific region of Pantanal that is the best place in the world to jaguar watch, one of my favourite animals, which always provides good pictures,’ he said.

The pair fought ferociously for supremacy on the river bank each trying to land a vicious definitive blow

But said Mr Martins the encounter only lasted five minutes before the naturally solitary creatures went their separate ways

He added: ‘Witnessing the encounter on a beach, in plain view, was a magical moment that released a significant amount of adrenaline and endorphins into my body.

And the losing beast slunk away to link his wounds