Tense Silence Shatters as Mother Leopard Heroically Rescues Her Cub from a Pack of Jackals on the Verge of Attack

Mum managed to grab one of her cubs in her mouth leaving its brave but pint-sized sibling to fend for itself while she carried the cub to safety.

Heart-stopping: This is the moment a tiny leopard cub hugged it's mother after escaping a scary solo encounter with two hungry jackals

Heart-stopping: This is the moment a tiny leopard cub hugged it’s mother after escaping a scary solo encounter with two hungry jackals

Fun times: The leopard cubs had been playing happily before the jackals arrived

But with striking blue eyes and a fierce display of big-cat prowess its mother would be proud of the little lone leopard was able to keep the cowardly jackals at bay until help could arrive – in the shape of one angry mother. The cubs were re-united by mum and they carried on their journey.

Fun times: The leopard cubs had been playing happily before the jackals arrived

Photographers Michel and Christine Denis-Huot, from France, captured the heart-warming moment while travelling through the Masai Mara wildlife reserve in Kenya.

Fun times: The leopard cubs had been playing happily before the jackals arrived

Moving on: But the family were forced to move on when a pair of jackals started paying the tiny cubs too much attention

Moving on: But the family were forced to move on when a pair of jackals started paying the tiny cubs too much attention

Help: The mother carries one of her cubs as it was struggling to keep up the pace

‘As soon as she began to walk the jackals were following her.

‘She managed to take one of the cubs in her mouth and the other one was walking.

‘Sadly the last cub was tired and had to stop in the long grass.

Tracking: The jackals don't let the leopards out of their sight as the mother tries to take her cubs to safety

Tracking: The jackals don’t let the leopards out of their sight as the mother tries to take her cubs to safety

Hiding: Unable to keep with the pace, the cub not being carried by it's mother stops to rest and hide int eh long grass, but it's steely blue eyes give it away

Hiding: Unable to keep with the pace, the cub not being carried by it’s mother stops to rest and hide int eh long grass, but it’s steely blue eyes give it away

Confrontation: It's not long before one of the jackals spots the tired cub

Confrontation: It’s not long before one of the jackals spots the tired cub

‘The jackals stopped too and became more and more aggressive.

Surrounded: The tiny leopard cub makes as much noise as he can showing his tiny teeth at the predators

Surrounded: The tiny leopard cub makes as much noise as he can showing his tiny teeth at the predators

Brave: Even at such a young age the little leopard confronts the jackal and tries to scare it off

Brave: Even at such a young age the little leopard confronts the jackal and tries to scare it off

Fearless: The little lone leopard was able to keep the jackals at bay until help from its mother eventually arrived

Fearless: The little lone leopard was able to keep the jackals at bay until help from its mother eventually arrived

Despite this their lives are fraught with danger from other hunters, as well as hunting by humans and the destruction of their natural environment.

Safe at last: once the lone cub was rescued by its mother the family unit was reunited and could relax again at last

Safe at last: once the lone cub was rescued by its mother the family unit was reunited and could relax again at last