Tearful Reunion: Two Gorilla Brothers Embrace in Touching Moment After Nearly Three Years Apart in Park Enclosure

Family reunions can be rather awkward affairs. But these long-lost relatives were quick to break the ice in the warmest of ways – with a great big bear hug.

Kesho the gorilla and his younger brother Alf had been apart for nearly three years after being sent to different zoos.

Embrace: Gorillas Kesho and Alf embrace give each other a hug after being reunited at Longleat Safari Park

Welcome: Kesho is settling in well with his brother at the safari park

The pair will now live together in a £3million enclosure at the Wiltshire park.

Born at Dublin Zoo, they were separated when Kesho, 13, was sent to London Zoo to take part in a breeding programme.

Long time, no see: Kesho and Alf shake hands after being brought together for the first time in years

Home: The brothers are kept in a £3million gorilla enclosure at the safari park

Mark Tye, head gorilla keeper at Longleat, said: ‘We weren’t entirely sure that the brothers would even know each other, but the moment they met you could just see the recognition in their eyes.

Like old times: Staff at the safari park say the gorillas are behaving as though they have never been apart

Family resemblance: The brothers were raised together at Dublin Zoo, but became separated when Kesho was chosen for a breeding programme

He added: ‘Had they been two strangers there would have been a lot of face to face confrontation and some fighting and screaming.