Stray Dog Stops Live Street Performance To Comfort An Actor He Thinks Is Injured

If you’ve ever been comforted by your dog, then you do not doubt that dogs are empathetic beings that seem to know when they are needed most.

Since their first domestication, they have been beside humans in times of sadness, sickness, and pain. They form deep bonds with people and will stick by when the going gets tough.

They are loyal, loving, and protective. There are hundreds of stories of dogs helping humans, showing up out of nowhere to comfort, and even helping total strangers during their greatest time of need.

So, on this day, when a stray dog thought someone was suffering, he did what dogs do. Even though he never saw this person before, he rushed over to offer what comfort he could, it just happened that this time there was an audience taking pictures.

It all began during a live street performance for the Victory Day Celebration in Turkey. Some street actors were performing and the scene called for one of the actors, Numan Erugrul Uzunsoy, to fall from his horse and fake an injury.

While lying in the street performing the scene, a stray dog saw Uzunsoy and became concerned for him. The dog quickly approached and began wagging his tail, sniffing the actor’s head, began licking his face, then sweetly cuddling him.

Even though the sweet dog didn’t have a home of his own, he was moved with compassion for the actor and wanted to help him. So, he did the only way he knew how which was by trying to comfort him and let him know he wasn’t alone.

Uzunsoy said, “The character I played was injured and in great pain,” Uzunsoy said. “He’d fallen off a horse, and was breathing hard.”

Since Uzunsoy’s eyes were closed, he was surprised by the dog, “I felt warmth on my face. First, I thought my costar was approaching me,” he explained.

But when he realized it was a dog showing him compassion, he was moved, “I was very happy when I felt the dog’s kisses,” he added sweetly. “I was very touched. He was like an angel who wanted to help me. It was a very emotional moment for me. I was not expecting it.”

Although the dog left the performance with a few thanks and belly rubs, Uzunsoy went back to look for him in hopes of finding the poor dog the home he deserved. If this sweet pup touched your heart, please share his story with your friends.