Strange objects keep appearing out of nowhere. Bizarre Object Discovered on an Australian Beach and Nobody Knows What it is - Media News 48

Strange objects keep appearing out of nowhere. Bizarre Object Discovered on an Australian Beach and Nobody Knows What it is

First of all, thank you all for sharing our articles. Strange objects keep appearing out of nowhere. They seem to be hidden in the sand and under the water.


The object recently found was about 4 feet wide, made mostly of metal. The object was extremely heavy. It was removed from the waters by an excavator. It has been found on the beach on the north coast of Australia.

According to the person who found it, the object was like something never seen before. For the moment, nobody knows the nature of this object, however, it causes numerous conspiracies and theories already. Some say it must have belonged to some extraterrestrial ship or mechanism, while others believe it might be some kind of ancient weapon to control the destructive power of the oceans.

Have a look at the following video for more information and please don’t forget to share your opinions with us.

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