Stay Back! Roaring Lion Delivers a Fierce Swipe at the Camera, Defending Its Hard-Won Claim Over Hippo Carcass

A roaring lion shows off his razor-sharp teeth and swats at the camera while defending a hippo carcass.

Ferocious: A lion goes for a photographer after being disturbed while devouring a hippo carcass

Ferocious: A lion goes for a photographer after being disturbed while devouring a hippo carcass

Guarding the kill: The photographer said she saw a mound in the long grass but only realised it was a hippo when they got much closer

Guarding the kill: The photographer said she saw a mound in the long grass but only realised it was a hippo when they got much closer

Full belly: The lion takes a break after tucking into the hippo in Kenya's Maasai Mara National Reserve

Full belly: The lion takes a break after tucking into the hippo in Kenya’s Maasai Mara National Reserve

She said: ‘Around 7am, my driver and I noticed a mound in the long grass shining in the morning sun.

Photographer Robyn Preston said: 'The one feeding was tearing at the tough flesh behind the front legs. Already the hippo had been disemboweled'

Photographer Robyn Preston said: ‘The one feeding was tearing at the tough flesh behind the front legs. Already the hippo had been disemboweled’

Delicious: The four lions are all part of a formidable coalition of four males known as Notch's Boys

Delicious: The four lions are all part of a formidable coalition of four males known as Notch’s Boys

Having a rest: The lion rests against the hippo corpse next to dead animal's entrails

Having a rest: The lion rests against the hippo corpse next to dead animal’s entrails

The lions feasting on the hippo carcass were all part of a formidable coalition of four males known as Notch’s Boys.

Menacing: While lions are capable of taking down larger prey like hippos, it is rare because of the risk of injury or even death, but with four of them it is far easier

Menacing: While lions are capable of taking down larger prey like hippos, it is rare because of the risk of injury or even death, but with four of them it is far easier

Don't mess with me: The lion stares right into the camera as it defends the hippo carcass

Don’t mess with me: The lion stares right into the camera as it defends the hippo carcass

‘Once his place at the table had been vacated, another of the males took over. We spent quite some time here and by now the sun was starting to get some heat.

‘Three of the males appeared to be getting restless and got up and wandered off down the hill to some nearby bushes where they promptly flopped down in the shade to spend the rest of the day.

Staying vigilant: Three of the males appeared to be getting restless and got up and wandered off down the hill while the other was left to guard the meal

Staying vigilant: Three of the males appeared to be getting restless and got up and wandered off down the hill while the other was left to guard the meal