Shocking Encounter! Massive Komodo Dragon Encircles and Overpowers a Giant Buffalo with Mighty Bites

Komodo dragons are the largest living lizards, with a maximum length of up to 3 meters. They occupy the ecosystem in which they live and have no natural enemies, although they seem slow, they are in fact extremely fearsome predators.

The Komodo dragon (Scientific name is Varanus komodoensis) is a large reptile that lives only in the archipelagos of Indonesia. They are the carnivores at the top of the food chain here, even large animals like water buffalo are the prey of Komodo dragons.

The reason they can kill even water buffalo is because there are two venom glands in the lower jaw that secrete a variety of toxic proteins, they just need to bite the prey’s leg and wait for the poison to cause the victim to become infected and then persevere. after the prey until the target is exhausted.

The dragon below bit the buffalo’s leg and made the victim slowly die, then did not wait for the victim to die completely but devoured it alive before the helplessness of the water buffalo. After a few days, it came back to eat the rest.

A horrifying scene makes viewers bewildered for a while about the giant dragon that can defeat this ferocious buffalo.