Shelter Staffer Lifts Mysterious Tarp And Is Heartbroken By What’s Underneath

They’d been waiting in the rain for someone to come ?

Recently, on a stormy morning in Texas, a staff member at San Antonio Animal Care Services was walking through a parking lot near the shelter when they noticed a green tarp in the distance.

Concerned, the staffer approached the soaking wet tarp and lifted it up. What they found was heartbreaking — two German shepherds and a small Chihuahua, abandoned in cages beneath the large sheet of plastic.

The staff member quickly contacted more rescuers to help the wet and scared dogs.

“Anytime something like this happens, we’re sad and a little frustrated,” Lisa Norwood, San Antonio Animal Care Services public relations manager, told The Dodo. “We had been experiencing a spate of strong thunderstorms, and I can only imagine their fear with the traffic going by coupled with the heavy rain and thunder.”

Rescuers took the three dogs into the shelter, where they were given food and water and quickly began to warm up. They named one German shepherd Cyrus and the other Peaches. The Chihuahua was named Gabby. Each member of the trio took in their surroundings a bit differently, and Cyrus made it especially clear that he would need some time to adjust.

“Both Peaches and Gabby seemed a little more calm and were easier to handle,” Norwood said. “Cyrus was very frightened by the whole experience and took some time to warm up to everybody.”

San Antonio Animal Care staff knew that the dogs couldn’t stay for long, as the shelter was already over capacity and struggling to handle the number of animals coming in each day.

Luckily, after they’d recuperated, Gabby and Peaches found their forever families very quickly. Meanwhile, Cyrus traveled eastward to the German Shepherd Rescue of New York, where he’s now playing with lots of other dogs as he waits for his perfect match.

Norwood is glad that these dogs are finally living the lives they deserve and that they’ll spend the rest of their days enjoying love, comfort and companionship.

“[Their] future looks awesome,” Norwood said.