Shelter Dog Missing an Ear Adorably Modifies His Favorite Toy to Match His Unique Appearance, Winning Hearts Everywhere

There was once a time that this dear dog named Bruno must have felt as though he was on the tragic final chapter of a sad life story. While only a pup, at 1 year old, his future seemed fated to be bleak.

Despite baring outward scars from his upbringing of abuse and neglect, Bruno’s spirit proved far more resilient than anyone expected.

To some, Bruno might have been “broken.” But his heart remained full of hopefulness and love.

To ease Bruno’s spirits as he settled in for an indefinite stay at the shelter, his caretakers gifted him a friend with which to pass the time — a plush dog doll. The pair became inseparable.

Suddenly, Bruno was no longer alone in circumstance. Though he soon saw to it that he wasn’t alone in form.

“Bruno tore one of the ears off his favorite stuffed toy — the same ear he’s missing himself,” the shelter wrote. “The staff member who found this couldn’t believe it …”

If Bruno was indeed hoping to send a message with that relatable modification to his favorite toy, one thing is for sure — that message was received.

After the SPCA of Wake County posted about Bruno and his single-eared companion, word began to spread.

The sadness and trauma of Bruno’s past can never be erased, of course, but it now stands as a mere prologue to a whole new life story of happiness and love.