Such archeology is called forbidden, because if the evidence were accepted by official science, it would be necessary to change the books on the evolution and history of man. It’s simpler – refrain from speculating about archaeological discoveries that cannot be explained.
About 5,500 years ago, the early Agathyrsi built an underground gallery in the region.
In February 2012, a group of geologists were following a gold vein in the same place. They continued digging until they reached the base of the gallery.

To their complete surprise, they found a tombstone that was definitely not made of ordinary rock. Geologists took a sample, and lab results revealed that the tombstone’s components included 55% 50-carat gold dust, 15% granite dust, and 30% tungsten. Furthermore, the analysis revealed that the composite rock had been manufactured using a type of technology unknown today.
Since Rosia Montana Romania is a mining area, several interesting discoveries have been made over the years, one of the most interesting being 2 skeletons of giants 10 meters high that were found in 1976, with their legs collected in a side. Lacking the equipment necessary to analyze such a find, the skeleton was sent to Moscow. Unfortunately, since then nothing has been heard from the giant.





Were There Giants on Earth?
Humans have long expressed a mixture of fascination and fear around the question, “Were there giants on Earth?” Whether in legends or life, giants have been worshipped, reviled, ostracized, and celebrated. While the existence of dinosaurs is largely accepted, and millions of people travel across continents to marvel at majestic, larger than life monuments, the facts about human giants, or giant races, are much debated. Regardless of whether they are dismissed as myth or accepted as fact, giants represent important aspects of our individual and collective psyche. They capture our imagination, appear in religious texts, and drive scientific endeavor. But the question still remains