Royal Thai Marine Corps First Panus R600 Armoured Personnel Carriers Delivered

Th?i c?m??n? P?n?s Ass?m?l? h?s c?m?l?t?? th? m?n???ct??? ?? tw? R600 8×8 wh??l?? ??m????? ???s?nn?l c???i??s (APCs) ??? th? R???l Th?i M??in? C???s (RTMC). Th? initi?l ??i? w?s ??????? with ? ?????t ?? $2.77 milli?n. P?n?s t?st?? its n?w?st ?????ct R600 ???t?t??? ?t th? RTMC ?t R???l Th?i A?m?’s V?hicl? T?st R?n?? in K?nch?n????i ???vinc? in A???st 2019. Th? ??????m?nc? ?? th? 25t R600 h?s ???n t?st??, with th? m?in t?i?l ??in? swimmin? ?t s??. It c?n ?tt?in ? w?t?????n? s???? ?? 12km/h, cl?s? t? th?t ?? AAV7A1s ?l????? in s??vic? with th? R???l Th?i M??in? C???s (RTMC). Th? R600s m?t th? st?n????s ?? th? RTMC, th???h P?n?s will m?k? ???th?? im???v?m?nts ??s?? ?n ??????ck ???m th? RTMC. It is n?w ????in? ?? ??? ?x??n??? ?????cti?n in 2023.


P?n?s R600 w?i?hs 25 t?ns, is 8.4 m?t??s l?n?, 3.2 m?t??s wi??, 2.75 m?t??s hi?h. Th? ????n? cl????nc? is 500 mm. Th? C?mmins ?n?in? ??v?l??s 600 h? ?n? is c???l?? t? ?n Allis?n 4500 6-s???? ??t?m?tic t??nsmissi?n. Th? v?hicl? c?n ???ch ? t?? ???? s???? ?? 110 km/h. Th? v?hicl? is ??ll? ?m?hi?i??s ?n? is ?????ll?? in th? w?t?? ?t ? m?xim?m ?? 14 km/h th?nks t? tw? w?t?? j?ts m??nt?? ?t th? ???? ?? th? h?ll. It h?s ? m?xim?m c??isin? ??n?? ?? 800 km. Th? APC c?n ?cc?mm???t? 2 c??w m?m???s ?n? 20 s?l?i??s. Th? 8-wh??l st???in? v?hicl? c?n ??iv? ?ith?? in 8×4 ?? 8×8. It c?n clim? ? 60cm v??tic?l ??st?cl? ?n? n???ti?t?s ? 40% sl??? ?n? ? 60% ????? ??m?.


Th? ??m????? ???s?nn?l c???i?? c?n ?cc?mm???t? 2 c??w m?m???s ?n? 20 ????l?. Th? ???t?cti?n l?v?l is St?n?? 4569 LV.2, ?? Lv.3 in ??ti?n. Th? 30mm t????t is m?n???ct???? ?? th? T??kish c?m??n? ASELSAN. Th? ???t?cti?n l?v?l is St?n?? 4569 LV.2, ?? Lv.3 in ??ti?n. Th? t?? s???? ?n-???? is 110 km/h, 14 km/h ?n w?t??. R600 is ??si?n?? t? ?? m?lti-??l? c?m??t th?t c?n ?? ????t?? t? m??t th? in?ivi???l ????i??m?nts ?? th? ??m?, n?v?, ?n? ?i? ???c?. Th?il?n? will ?c??i?? n?w 8×8 ??m???? v?hicl?s ??? its n?v?l in??nt?? ?nits. Tw? v?hicl?s ??? c?m??tit??s ??? this ?c??isiti?n incl??in? th? P?n?s Ass?m?l? R600 ?n? th? Bl?ck Wi??w S?i??? (BWS).


P?n?s ????n li?? ?s ? ??il??? ?? t??il?? ???i?s m??? ??t ?? tim???. As w?ll ?s ??in? th? m??k?t l????? in its ?i?l? within its ??m?stic m??k?t ?? Th?il?n?, P?n?s h?s ?ls? ?x??n??? its ???????hic ???s?nc?in ??c?nt tim?s ?s it ???s??s its ???l ?? ??c?min? ? l???in? int??n?ti?n?l ???vi??? ?? ???ici?nt t??ns???t?ti?n ?n? l??istics s?l?ti?ns. F??m ? l?c?l ???s??ctiv?, P?n?s’ cli?nts ??n?? ???m m?j?? 3PL ?? int??n?ti?n?l ?l??t ?????t??s, l???? ?n? m??i?m siz?? ?l??ts ??wn t? sin?l?-?wn?? ?????t??s.

S???c?: htt?s://milit???l??k.c?m/