Don’t pick a fight you can’t win. And you’re not going to win a fight with an elephant.
Despite their size, elephants are generally gentle creatures. Elephants stand 10-13 feet tall and can weigh upwards of 15,000 lbs, but they’re actually sensitive and caring animals.
Unless of course you’re taunting them…and then all bets are off, as this woman learned the hard way.
Video shows the dramatic incident, which reportedly took place at an elephant sanctuary in India, where a woman is holding a banana out in front of an elephant, taunting the massive mammal and moving the food every time the elephant tries to go in for a bite.
Well it should go without saying but maybe teasing an elephant isn’t the best idea…
The woman quickly learns her lesson when the elephant loses its patience and uses its trunk to toss her aside like a rag doll, knocking her to the ground as stunned onlookers scramble to help.
There’s no word on whether the woman was injured by the sudden attack, but many responses to the post didn’t have much sympathy for her…