Raw Power Unleashed: Bear Showcases Tremendous Strength by Effortlessly Dragging Massive Moose Off the Road in Stunning Display

It must be a good day for a bear when they land a moose. In all fairness, this big brown bear didn’t hunt the moose down – the moose was injured by being hit by a passing vehicle. But a bear is not above eating a little roadkill, especially if it’s fresh.

In the interest of full disclosure, this video was filmed in Arvidsjaur, Norrbotten, Sweden, but we bet you wouldn’t have been able to tell without our telling you. As far as videos of bears eating prey goes, it reminds us of the time the one in which a proud mama grizzly guards her young while they consume a deer alive. Phew, now that one was harrowing, too.

It’s one of the major reasons why, when we have had a few beers around the editorial office and get to discussing which animals we’d prefer to be eaten by and which we’d prefer not to be eaten by, yours truly will always choose not to be eaten by a grizzly. A lion has the basic mammalian decency to choke you to death, while even the cold-blooded (literally) crocodile will drown you before chowing down. But a grizzly has no problem at all with listening to its prey gurgle and bellow as he eats.

It might even spice the meat for a grizzly, who knows? You’d have to ask one.

Source: Youtube and Viral Hog

“Bears are cute,” they said.

“If you don’t bother them they won’t bother you,” they said.

The driver describes the scene:

“My wife and I went by car on Wednesday night. In front of us, we saw something dark beside the road. When we approached, we saw that it was a moose lying down with the bear next to it.