Pregnant Pit Bull Saved from Euthanasia Brings New Life with Her Adorable Puppies, Touching Hearts Everywhere



Meet Mary, a pregnant Pit Bull who was brought to a shelter with a very high kill rate.

“My fiancee saved her from shelter that was a day away from putting her down, puppies and all,” Aaron Colby, Mary’s foster parent

“Her time was up at the shelter and she was so close to being put down but a heroic effort by the rescue and over $1000 in donations from people around the country managed to pay the fees and get her our of there… the only thing she needed was a foster. That’s where we came in!”

“She was more than ready to give birth but she waited as long as she could so as to avoid having them in a scary kennel.”

“You can see how emaciated she is here back at our place but carrying a heavy load of pups.” “We basically have kept her food dish full around the clock for the past month and she’s put on some weight and her coat is getting soft and pretty again. Turns out if you feed a dog 5 times a day though, they will poop 5 times a day too :/”

“Mom will pull them towards her, tear the placenta sack open, lick them until they start breathing and get dry and then eat up the sack and placenta and bite off the umbilical cord… crazy that she just KNOWS how to do everything.”

“Mary’s nipples are pretty deformed so we weren’t sure if she would be able to nurse all or any of the pups but it turns out everything worked as it should and all the pups were able to do their thing. Mary has 9 nipples which works out well for the 9 pups.”

The puppies have two modes, explains Aaron – sleep and eat. “If they are not sleeping, they are eating. Only around week 3 do they start to walk and play and around week 4 they start to run!” Aaron adds, “Lots of mess, the washer/dryer and going constantly and we are glad to live next door to Costco for easy access to things like puppy pads.”

“Skip ahead 2 weeks and they’ve more than doubled in size and their eyes are open and they are learning about the world in a whole new way.”

“Not sure if she’s happy to be having a nap with her pups or desperate to get out without waking them. When she gets in there to nurse now it literally looks like a pen of piranha dogs! We are now letting Mary nurse only a few times a day and are feeding the puppies a mixture of mushy puppy chow and goat’s milk which they devour voraciously!”

“More often than not now she nurses standing up since the pups are all so big!”

“The puppies get their own little pen and we let Mary in a few times throughout the day. The pen is based off the ‘Misty Method’ which divides their area into sleep, bathroom, play/eat and helps them learn to be potty trained almost before people take them home, also helps keep cleanup more manageable.”

He adds, “We will probably keep her at the very least until she gets her spay and all her shots so that she won’t have to stress with a new home after a surgery.”

As for Mary’s nine puppies, Aaron says “Adoptions will happen through the rescue that we are fostering for and they will help ensure they all go to good healthy homes!”