Painful Dog Appears on Porch of House Begging for Help and Desperately Refuses to Leave



Some homeless animals wander for years before finding a change from their harsh living conditions, and this is what a dog has experienced. Sometimes the homeless are lucky enough to be rescued, while others sadly end their days without ever knowing love.


In Texas, USA, a family was surprised to be chosen as the “safe haven” for a furry animal in its final stages. Exhausted from so much suffering, the little creature lay down at the entrance of their house to get some peace. Fortunately, these good Samaritans picked her up and decided to call a shelter for help.

At some point, the furry creature named Lila began to express her happiness at knowing that someone was finally going to help her. Perhaps she had never received such attention before in her life.

Kourtney took up the case after the family shared the situation on a Facebook group and the organization stepped in. The independent animal rights activist was touched to discover that the dog was somehow waiting for help.

The first veterinarian who attended to this furry animal determined that Lila was actually a 5 or 6 month old Australian Shepherd. This fact surprised everyone, since no one imagined that she would be so young and they were even more moved to know that she had suffered so much at her young age.

This dog has a long road ahead of her before she fully recovers from her condition. She now lives in a foster home where she receives lots of attention.

Kourtney Crenshaw, who was the first rescuer to respond to this case, continues to monitor the dog’s recovery. Her hope is for the dog to fully recover so she can begin a new life in a permanent home.

Lila’s first few months of life were anything but easy, but now she has the chance to live a different story. Although her recovery is not complete, we hope she will soon be ready for a loving family to decide to take her home.