P?m??ii’s ??ch???l??ic?l ?in?in?s incl??? th? ?n???thin? ?? ? ???i?l sit? ??li?v?? t? ??l?n? t? ? Sl?v ?n? his s??v?nt

A?ch???l??ists h?v? ?nc?v???? th? ??m?ins ?? ? m?st?? ?n? his sl?v? ???m P?m??ii, victims ?? th? c?t?cl?smic v?lc?nic ????ti?n th?t ??st????? th? cit?. Th?? w??? ???n? in th? h???t ?? th? ??ins ?? P?m??ii ?n? th?? ??? ?????in? n?w insi?hts int? li?? in th? R?m?n Em?i?? in th? 1st c?nt??? AD.

Th? ??ins ?t P?m??ii its?l? ??? ???h??s ?n? ?? th? ??st-kn?wn ??ch???l??ic?l ???ks in th? w??l?. A?ch???l??ists ??? still m?kin? ?isc?v??i?s ?t th? sit? n?t ??? ???m N??l?s, It?l?. Ex???ts w??? w??kin? in ? l???? vill?, th?t w?s ?nc? th? h?m? ?? ? m?m??? ?? th? P?m??i?n ?lit? wh?n th?? c?m? ?c??ss th? ??m?ins. Th? ??ins ?? this vill? ??? l?c?t?? in th? Civit? Gi?li?n?, wh??? im???t?nt ?in?s h?v? ???vi??sl? ???n m???. A?ch???l??ists ???n? th? ??m?ins ?? tw? m?l?s in ? c?ll?? ?? ?n???????n? ch?m??? ??n??th th? vill?.

Th? c??s? ?? ???th ??? th?s? ?n???t?n?t? ????l? wh? ?i?? ???in? th? ????ti?n ?? M??nt V?s?vi?s in 79 AD is ?ls? th? ???s?n wh? ??ch???l??ists ?in? ??m?ins in s?ch ???? c?n?iti?n. ( P??c? A?ch??l??ic? ?i P?m??i )

Th? ??m?ins ?isc?v???? ??? ?? tw? inh??it?nts ?? ?nci?nt P?m??ii wh? ???ish?? in 79 AD wh?n M??nt V?s?vi?s ?x?l???? ?n? ?n??l??? th? cit? with h?t ?sh, ??mic? ?n? ????cl?stic ?l?ws. Th? G????i?n ???t?s M?ssim? Os?nn?, th? ?i??ct?? ?? th? P?m??ii ??ch???l??ic?l ???k, ?s s??in? th?t th? ?isc?v??i?s ??? “t??l? ?xc??ti?n?l.” Th? tw? ???s??v?? ???i?s ???n? in th? vill? w??? th?t ?? ?n ?l??? ?n? ? ???n??? m?l?, ?n? ??th h?? ???n ?nt?m??? in ?sh. Th? ?l??? m?n w?s ???? ??tw??n 30 ?n? 40, ?n? th? ???n??? m?n w?s in his ???l? tw?nti?s.

F??th?? inv?sti??ti?ns sh?w?? th?t th? ?l??? m?n h?? t??c?s ?? ? w??l?n cl??k t?ck?? ?n??? his n?ck. Th? ???n? m?n still h?? th? t??c?s ?? ? sim?l? t?nic th?t h? w??? ?n th?t ??t???l ??? in 79 AD. A st??? ?? th? ??m?ins sh?w?? th?t his v??t????? w??? c??sh?? ?n? w??n ??t. Giv?n his ??? this w??l? s????st th?t h? h?? ???n ?n????? in h??? ?h?sic?l w??k. This m?? in?ic?t? th?t h? w?s ? sl?v?, ?s sl?v?s w??? t??ic?ll? inv?lv?? in ??ck????kin? l????, ?n? th?t th? ?l??? m?n m?? h?v? ???n his m?st??.


Th? sl?v? ?n? his m?st?? ?isc?v???? in ? vill? ?n th? ??tski?ts ?? P?m??ii m?st h?v? ?i?? ? ????s?m? ?n? ?xc??ci?tin? ???th, ?s c?n ?? s??n in th? w?? th?? ??? cl?nchin? th?i? ???t ?n? h?n?s. ( P??c? A?ch??l??ic? ?i P?m??i )

Th? ??m?ins ?? th? tw? m?n ??? ?xc??ti?n?ll? w?ll ???s??v??. Th?? w??? ???n? n??? s?m? st??l?s in th? vill?. Sk? N?ws ?????ts M?ssim? Os?nn? ?s s??in? th?t “th?s? tw? victims w??? ???h??s s??kin? ?????? wh?n th?? w??? sw??t ?w?? ?? th? ????cl?stic c????nt ?t ????t 9 in th? m??nin?.” Th?? m?st h?v? ?i?? h???i?l? ?n? in ???n?. R??t??s ?ls? ???t?s Os?nn? ?s s??in? th?t th? m?n ??????l? ?i?? ??c??s? ?? th??m?l sh?ck, ?s “??m?nst??t?? ?? th?i? cl?nch?? ???t ?n? h?n?s.”

Th? t???i?l? m?nn?? ?? th?i? ???th is ?ls? th? ???s?n wh? th?i? ???i?s h?v? ???n ???s??v?? ??? ?lm?st 2,000 ????s. Th? ????cl?stic ?l?w ???n?? ?w?? ?ll th? s??t tiss??s s?ch ?s th?i? skin ?n? m?scl?, ??t th?i? ??n?s ?n? t??th w??? ???s??v??. Th? v?i?s ?? ?m?t? s??c?s l??t ?? th?i? s??t tiss??s h?v? ???n ?ill?? with ?l?st?? ?? th? ??ch???l??ists.

Th? G????i?n ???t?s ???ici?ls ?t th? P??k ?s s??in? th?t “???th?? ?i??in? ?v?? th? c?min? m?nths mi?ht ??v??l wh??? th? m?n w??? h???in? ?n? ??t??min? th? ??l?s th?? ?l???? in th? ?l???nt vill?.” This c??l? th??w m??? li?ht ?n th? ???in??? liv?s ?? th? inh??it?nts ?? th? cit? in th? 1 st c?nt??? AD ?n? th? ??l?ti?nshi? ??tw??n sl?v?s ?n? th?i? ?wn??s.

Th? ?isc?v??? ?? ? m?st?? ?n? sl?v? is ?nl? th? l?t?st in ? s??i?s ?? ?in?s th?t h?s t??ns???m?? ??? ?n???st?n?in? ?? P?m??ii. In 2018 th? ??m?ins ?? w?m?n ?n? chil???n w??? ???n? in ? vill?. In th? s?m? ????, th? m?st??i??s ??m?ins ?? ? h???l?ss m?n w?s ???n? ??n??th ? h??? st?n?. An?th?? ?isc?v??? ?cc???in? t? Th? G????i?n in?ic?t?s th?t “ V?s?vi?s ????t?? in Oct???? 79 AD , ?n? n?t in A???st ?? th?t ???? ?s ???vi??sl? th???ht.”

P?m??ii w?s ? cit? ?? s?m? 13,000 ????l? ?????? it w?s ??st????? ?? th? ????ti?n ?? M??nt V?s?vi?s, ?l?n? with th? t?wns ?? H??c?l?n??m. It w?s ???i?? ??n??th ?sh ?n? ??mic? ?n? l?st ??? m?n? c?nt??i?s. It w?s ?nl? ?xc?v?t?? ???in? th? mi?-18 th c?nt??? ?n? t???? is ? UNESCO W??l? H??it??? Sit? ?n? ? m?j?? t???ist ??stin?ti?n which ?tt??cts ???? milli?n ????l? ?v??? ????.

A?ch???l??ists h?v? ??????ll? ??v??l?? ?n ?nti?? cit?, with ??il?in?s, vill?s, th?t ??? ????n?? with ???sc??s ?n? m?s?ics. G????iti ???n? h??? h?s ?ls? sh?wn th? ?v?l?ti?n ?? ?v?????? L?tin ?s s??k?n ?? ????l?, ?n? ?v?n ?n? ?? th? ???li?st ??????nc?s t? Ch?isti?nit? ??tsi?? th? Bi?l?. Th? ?isc?v??? ?? th? m?st?? ?n? sl?v? ??? ?m?n? th? 1,500 victims ?? th? v?lc?n? th?t h?s ???n ?nc?v???? in P?m??ii ?n? its hint??l?n? s? ???.

R??t??s ???t?s th? It?li?n c?lt??? minist?? D??i? F??nc?schini ?s s??in? th?t th? ?in?s “?n???lin?? P?m??ii’s st?t?s ?s ?n ‘inc???i?l? ?l?c? ??? ??s???ch ?n? st???’.” Whil? th??? ??? still ?isc?v??i?s ??in? m??? ?t P?m??ii, th? m?in ??c?s h?s shi?t?? t? ???s??vin? wh?t ??m?ins in th? ?nci?nt cit? ?n? this m?mm?th t?sk is ???vin? t? ?? ? m?j?? t?chnic?l ?n? ?in?nci?l ch?ll?n?? ??? It?li?n ??th??iti?s .