Orphaned but Not Alone: Baby Gorillas Rescued in Congo Find Hope and a New Family in Their Caregivers

Two orphaned baby gorillas rescued in Congo were being cared for Tuesday by national park staff who fear their plight might signal a new escalation of wildlife smuggling by rebel groups fighting each other and Congo’s army.

Two poached baby gorillas raise fears others killed in Congo | CTV News

“Baby gorilla trafficking is terribly damaging for endangered gorilla populations because many members of the gorilla’s family will probably have been killed to obtain the infant,” Emmanuel de Merode, director of Virunga National Park, said in a statement.

The 9-month-old was turned over to Virunga on Sept. 13 by a local conservation group, which said it got the infant from an armed group.

The 4-month-old was rescued on Sept. 20 during a sting operation that led to the arrest of two men, who said they acquired the gorilla in an area where armed groups are vying for control over mines. Those men face trial and, possibly, a life sentence if convicted.

Baby gorilla found stuffed in smuggler's bag

NBC News reported last year how baby gorillas can demand tens of thousands of dollars on the international black market,.

“The two gorillas showed some interest in each other when they first met,” Cadd wrote in a Virunga blogpost, “but for the older gorilla, it seems as if she considers the younger one a competition for food and milk, often trying to grab the milk bottle or banana from the younger gorilla, and even throwing a tantrum once when she didn’t get a bottle too.

“There has been talk about releasing those gorillas into the wild eventually,” she said, but added that “it’s a bit controversial” due to the uncertainty of their fate back in the wild.

The area includes Lake Edward, one of the Central African great lakes used by some 40,000 fishermen. Hydrocarbons Minister Crispin Atama Tabe told The Associated Press that oil exploitation could help bring security to volatile east Congo. Mining of the region’s massive mineral riches, however, has had the opposite effect with armed groups vying for control.

Moreover, Congo’s environment ministry last year suspended oil exploration in an area of Virunga where more than 200 gorillas live. Environment Minister Bavo Nsamputu said he was unable to comment on Monday’s news as he had been abroad.

Baby gorilla found stuffed in smuggler's bag

Park officials say Congo’s Nature Conservation law protects national parks from any kind of exploitation. That persuaded the French oil group Total to promise last year that it would not exploit the one-third of its concession that falls in Virunga.

Meet Shamavu, the baby gorilla rescued from poachers - in pictures | Environment | The Guardian

SOCO, with 58 percent of its concession in Virunga, argues the law allows “geological research for scientific purposes” and cites exemptions for “research work, such as sampling materials, digging, excavations, surveying, and all other work that may change the look of the land or vegetation.”