Once-In-A-Lifetime Footage Of A Massive Humpback Whale Leaping Out Of The Water Next To A Fishing Boat - Media News 48

Once-In-A-Lifetime Footage Of A Massive Humpback Whale Leaping Out Of The Water Next To A Fishing Boat


Nature never ceases to amaze us, humans. You may witness something that you have never imagined before. It will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. For instance, you attend a sightseeing tour off the shore and see a massive humpback whale breaching the water right next to your boat. You must feel like you win a lottery ticket. Incredible!

The enormous humpback whale was spotted leaping out of the water right next to a fishing boat. It stood right behind the fisherman!

“I went below deck to shoot from a porthole close to the waterline. That’s what gives this amazing perspective of looking up at the whale,” he told a news agency.

Douglas also had help from Kate Cummings, a whale watcher who managed to capture a video of the whale exploding out of the waters. “It was fun capturing this video. The whale had already breached multiple times much further away from the fisherman. But sometimes when whales breach multiple times, they’re also heading a specific direction when they’re underwater building momentum for the next breach,” Kate revealed to the media.

For those who may not know, adult humpback whales weigh around 25–30 metric tons (28–33 short tons), and at 12–16 m (39–52 ft) in lengths. These giant marine mammals are very popular among whale watchers for their breaching and other distinctive behaviors.



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