“Omg, I can’t believe this happened” – Rescuers Battle to Save Starving Elephant, Covered in Sores and Desperately Holding On

The fifty-year-old male jumbo named Khun Pan had been working at the Chang Siam Park in Chonburi, eastern Thailand, giving rides to tourists until the Covid-19 pandemic hit the industry, with holidaymakers banned from visiting.

Tragically, the elephant was left to starve – becoming so thin that his bones were protruding from his skin.

Khun Pan was found covered in sores from where he had been laying on hard, dusty ground, while his long ivory tusks had started to weaken and crack.

Tragically, the elephant was left to starve – becoming so thin that his bones were protruding from his skin

Khun Pan was found covered in sores from where he had been laying on hard, dusty ground, while his long ivory tusks had started to weaken and crack. Pictured: Medics put solution on the sores to help heal them and protect them from infection

Medics from an animal hospital in nearby Pattaya arrived at the Chang Siam Park on Saturday and found the elephant was too weak to stand on its own as it was just a few days from death

They had to hoist the elephant up with leather straps which was attached to a nearby tree to give it support and help it stand. The medics also gave an IV drip with saline solution to rehydrate the jumbo

Khun Pan’s owner, Lee Petchkla, 55, blamed the lack of tourists for the elephant’s condition. Pictured: The elephant was hoisted up by the tree to help it stand

The elephant’s body was covered in sores and cuts when the medics found him, with the jumbo unable to stand properly

Khun Pan’s owner, Lee Petchkla, 55, blamed the lack of tourists for the elephant’s condition.

The elephant’s owner said second outbreak of coronavirus cases in December and resulting lockdown had meant he could not afford pineapples or other sources of nutrition to feed to the emaciated jumbo. Pictured: The frail jumbo which was found with bones protuding from its body

Vets and kind locals tended to the elephant and fed him fresh food and gave him attention

‘The pandemic has meant there are no tourists and I don’t have any income to feed them. I don’t know what else to do.’

Vets and kind locals who arrived at the park on Saturday fed some much-needed bananas and sugarcane to the starving elephant

The locals arrived with a large truck of bananas, pineapples and sugarcane for the starving elephant

He was a little stronger the next day as vets continued tending to the sores and cuts across his frail body.

Despite concerns for the elephant’s health, Khun Pan was allowed to stay at the park – and was still there today. Pictured: Locals feed the elephant bananas after he became a little stronger

The elephant was saved by medics after caring locals alerted them to the devastating condition of the elephant

‘PETA urges everyone who genuinely cares about elephants to never support any facility that exploits these majestic animals and instead donate to campaigns that actually protect elephants in their native habitats.’