Nibiru Was Spotted In Antarctica! Can it affect a human evolution? - Media News 48

Nibiru Was Spotted In Antarctica! Can it affect a human evolution?

Something very strange is going on in recent years in the atmosphere on the planetWhether it comes to aliens, changes in the earth’s core or CHEMTRAILS, HAARP?People all around the world take photos of this strange phenomena. Why are they appear and what is the meaning of them? What is going on? Can it affect a human evolution? What do you think about that?Watch the video and judge for yourself.

Sumerian cosmogony speaks not only about the origin and evolution of our solar system, but also of the origin of life on earth and according to the following text was transmitted life on Earth through satellites Nibiru”

They travel through this galaxy by way of a planet ship named Nibiru: The Mother ship.Nibiru was originally on a 25,920 year orbit called AAMS which was the distance from RIZQ to the planet Earth.


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