NASA Official Archives Show Trees On Mars - Clear Evidence of Life - Media News 48

NASA Official Archives Show Trees On Mars – Clear Evidence of Life

Is this a magnificent NASA photo taken in 2008 in the Mars region that shows what I think looks like trees, forests, or some kind of Mars plant?I fully understand how it sounds, but look.

There is no way that a dust storm is coming because that is exactly what NASA wants us to believe.

It has an old tree structure and the branches look like they are growing on a central stem. I’m not the only one who sees this as trees or branches of the plant species on Mars.

In the Sub-image below (which is a real picture below) falling objects kick into a small cloud of dust. The color of the snow around the surrounding material suggests that dust has settled on the surface of the ice after similar events.

Also visible in the picture below are the long cracks in the snow on the mounds (the cracks disappear when the snow is gone). So, it looks like dust on the ice lol.

In winter, carbon dioxide ice covers the mounds, and in the spring as the sun warms the ice, it evaporates. This is a very efficient process, and the sand removed from the mounds of the mounds descends, forming dark roads.

Here is a link to the full image of NASA Hirise. NASA has been photographing Mars, and this image and other unusual objects on Mars have been released from their online archives.

I sincerely believe that NASA has never acknowledged the existence of space but the evidence is there for anyone who wants to see it. There are many variations on Mars that are undeniable evidence of life on Mars.

There was an ancient Alien life on Mars and there is now evidence that there is a life that exists now as trees for example. Again, that is just one example from a vast sea of ​​evidence.

I’m sure if you read this then you already know some unusual problems on Mars …

Here’s a great video showing the Mars tree in the news story on ABC 7 news TV featured on the YouTube channel ChrisJr2007: Guys, please stay tuned and make sure you pay attention to what you see – no matter what NASA says we see, I know what I see anyway.

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