Mystery Unveiled: Unusual Skeleton Found Deep in Cueva del Tigre, Could Be a Dinosaur from the ‘Centre of the Earth’

A mysterious skeleton has been found deep in an untouched cave dubbed the ‘centre of the earth’.

The unusual remains, which could be a dinosaur, were found deep in Cueva del Tigre aka Tiger Cave.

He said: “Some bits from my visits to the Centre of the Earth – the caves in Tlanchinol.”

The site is difficult to reach and much of the cave remains untouched by humans.

As such, Abrego came across an unusual skeleton while exploring parts of the cave.

The fossilised remains were found intact and it is believed that experts should be able to determine what animal it was.

Many of Abrego’s followers said the skeleton was from a small dinosaur that lived millions of years ago.

However, some suggested the bones could be from an animal such as an opossum.

Scientists will carry out carbon dating tests on the skeleton to determine its species and when it lived.

The authorities advise residents to not visit the cave as it is located in a dense forest area and needs specialised equipment to abseil into.

Also, some areas are not deemed safe from rockfalls while others remain unexplored.