Mysterious ‘UFO Fleet’ Spotted Over Arizona Desert: An Intriguing Sight That Sparks Speculation About Unknown Entities in Our Skies



UFO enthusiasts have shared video of what they claim captured a convey of alien crafts apparently hovering in formation over the Arizona desert.


Footage of unusual activity in US airspace has emerged online. And prominent alien life advocate Scott Waring believes the strange lights are likely to be a small fleet of alien UFOs.

Waring, who shared the bizarre footage on his site, said: “I’m calling it a UFO fleet.”


He said: “This UFO fleet was recorded by a eyewitness who watch as the lights in the sky disappeared one by one.

“UFOs such as these have been seen around the world from Taipei city to Rapid City, while similar sightings have occurred in South Dakota.”

However, the self-proclaimed UFO expert admits there could be a more prosaic explanation for the strange lights ion the sky.

UFO sighting: Has a convey of alien crafts been spied hovering in formation over Arizona (Image: etdatabase)

UFO sighting: A not dissimilar UFO sighting famously took place in the 1950s in Salem (Image: Getty)

He said: “We have to take into account there is a Marine Core Air Station in Yuma, Arizona, which could be dropping flares over their 3,000 acres of military land.

However, Waring remains convinced the grainy amateur clip purported to have been taken on January 22, 2020.

He said: “Can these be UFOs? Oh hell yeah, such reports, videos and photos of this type of glowing alien craft exist going back many decades.

UFO sighting: Strange sights in the sky have been taking place for decades (Image: Getty)

UFO sighting: Footage of unusual activity in US airspace has emerged online (Image: Getty)

Waring added: “He is a trustworthy guy who insures he posts original and authentic footage.”