Mysterious Find: Pompeii Discovery Reveals Ancient and Perfectly Preserved Paintings Hidden Beneath Volcanic Ash

Paris, Prince of Troy, depicted meeting Helen of Troy for the first time

Paris, Prince of Troy, depicted meeting Helen of Troy for the first time (Image: Sara Terracciano)

Nearly 2,000 years after it was buried in volcanic ash, Pompeii is turning up yet more breathtaking ancient splendours. Archaeologists working at the site have uncovered perfectly preserved fresco paintings inside what they believe to be the private residence of a wealthy individual.

A second newly-discovered fresco in the black room, meanwhile, depicts the naked Greek god Apollo trying to seduce the priestess Cassandra

One of the artworks depicts Helen of Troy meeting Paris, Prince of Troy, for the first time.

Legend has it that the meeting sparked the Trojan War of the 12th century BC.

The room was discovered along Via di Nola, one of Pompeii’s longest streets, and features a nearly complete mosaic floor with more than a million individual white tiles.

The 'black room'

The ‘black room’, where the art was found, was part of the private residence of a wealthy individual (Image: Parco Archeologico di Pompei pre/AFP)

While Mount Vesuvius erupted back in 79 AD, a third of the city has still to be cleared of debris.

The frescos have been discovered in the 'black room', an 'imposing' banquet hall with elegant black walls at a former private residence along Via di Nola

The current dig is hoping to unveil some of the city’s lost treasures and is the biggest in a generation.

A so-called ‘black room’ is the location of the beautiful frescoes, where an “imposing” banquet hall with elegant black walls was also found.

While the walls were painted black, the room's mosaic floor is comprised of more than a million tiny and intricately arranged white tiles

Its name derives from the fact that it was painted almost entirely in black, most likely to cover soot stains from the burning of oil lamps.

Gabriel Zuchtriegel, director of the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, said: “Here people gathered to feast after sunset, the flickering light of the oil lamps made the images seem to move, especially after a few glasses of good Campania wine.”

The god Apollo attempting to seduce the Trojan priestess Cassandra

The god Apollo seen attempting to seduce the Trojan priestess Cassandra (Image: Sara Terracciano)

Dr Sophie Hay, a British archaeologist who works at the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, added that the ‘high quality’ frescos used the black walls as the background for the scene.

Here, Leda, mother of Helen of Troy is about to conceive with Greek god Zeus disguised as a randy swan

“The dining room seems to be vaguely unique in the sense that normally there are figurative panels with a border around them,” she told the Times.

“But the ones in that room are painted directly on to the background.

“So it’s like they’re doing something new, which is really nice but obviously they never got to enjoy it.”

Eco-Pasture at the Archaeological Park of Pompeii

Though it was buried 2,000 years ago, a third of Pompeii remains beneath ancient volcanic ash (Image: GETTY)

Another newly-discovered fresco shows the Greek god Apollo trying to seduce the priestess Cassandra. Her later rejection resulted in her prophecies being ignored, according to legend.

A fourth fresco, freshly uncovered from the ancient volcanic material, shows a female figure appearing to hold a dish

Archaeologists are also clearing out a wide residential and commercial black known as Region 9.

It is no easy task, with workers required to act fast to ensure the frescoes remain in position, using plaster glue to stop them from coming away from the walls. Scaffolding and roofing are also being installed to further protect the artwork.