Mysterious Discovery: Ancient Egyptian Mummy Found with Golden Tongue, Believed to Communicate with the God of Death

The expensive-tongued man was buried at a 2,000 year old site associated with rulers who thought jewellery enabled the dead to talk in the afterlife.

This ancient Egyptian man was buried with a golden tongue

This ancient Egyptian man was buried with a golden tongue Credit: Egypt Ministry of Tourism and Antiques

Experts believe the gold tongue was given to the ancient Egyptian man after death in an attempt to help him speak to Osiris, the Egyptian god of death.

His real tongue was likely removed during the embalming process.

Ancient Egyptians believed Osiris ruled the underworld and judged the souls of spirits who entered it.

That’s why they thought having the ability to speak to this god and ask for mercy would help people successfully enter the afterlife.

The 2,000 year old burial site features a number of tombs cut into rock

The 2,000 year old burial site features a number of tombs cut into rockCredit: Egypt Ministry of Tourism and Antiques

16 burials were recently unearthed

16 burials were recently unearthed Credit: Egypt Ministry of Tourism and Antiques

Archaeologists digging at the ancient site of Taposiris Magna discovered 16 burials in rock cut tombs.

The man with the golden tongue was one of these burials but the other 15 proved to be very interesting too.

Stone funeral masks were found on the mummies inside their rocky tombs.

Detailed stone masks were found on the bodies

Detailed stone masks were found on the bodiesCredit: Egypt Ministry of Tourism and Antiques

The researchers had to get down into the rocky burial shafts

The researchers had to get down into the rocky burial shafts

These help to depict what the people may have looked like when they were alive.

The stone burial masks were very detailed

The stone burial masks were very detailedCredit: Egypt Ministry of Tourism and Antiques

Each burial featured a mask

Each burial featured a mask Credit: Egypt Ministry of Tourism and Antiques

These rulers could have reigned over the 16 ancient people found in the rock cut tombs.

The man with the gold tongue was the most well preserved of all the mummies and his skeleton could still be made out.

However, lots of the others had decayed away.

Precious artefacts help to give an idea of who these people were.

Kathleen Martinez has been leading the dig

Kathleen Martinez has been leading the dig

One was buried with a horned crown that had a snake on the forehead.

Others were buried with trinkets, jewellery and statues.

This suggests the people were of some importance and may have been fairly wealthy when they were alive.