The creature is three times the size of a man, grayish-white in color, appears to have a long tail or tentacles, but has no visible eyes or head.

Svetlana Dyadenko next to the monster washed ashore. Photo: Siberian Times
Svetlana Dyadenko, who discovered the beast, wrote online: “This unidentifiable and strange-looking creature washed up on the beach next to the village of Pakhachi in the northeastern part of the Kamchatka peninsula.”
“The most interesting thing for me is that this creature is covered with tubular hair. Could it be an ancient creature? I hope scientists can learn about the mystery of the ocean. brought to us,” said Ms. Dyadenko.

The beast has no visible eyes, nose and head. Photo Siberian Times
Commenting on the report, some people asked Ms. Dyadenko if it was the remains of the extinct woolly mammoth that washed up on the shores after the seafloor permafrost melted during the summer. are not.
Ms. Dyadenko said: “It looks like a hairy octopus. Can’t guess what it is. People can’t dig or pull this animal. We have to use an excavator because part of the animal’s body is buried in it. sand”.

No one knows what it is. Photo: Siberian Times
This woman also looked it up online but still couldn’t figure out what kind of animal it was.
Some have suggested that the monster was a “globster”, the term used to refer to the mysterious creature that washed up in Tasmania in 1962. Ms. Dyadenko said it could be a globster but no globster has been seen with a tail or tentacles like that. this.
Meanwhile, Russian marine scientist Sergei Kornev of the Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography believes that the monster in Kamchatka is part of a whale.
“Under the influence of the sea, time and some other animals, a dead whale often has a strange shape. This is only a part of a whale, not the whole one,” explained Mr. Kornev. .

Many people believe that the melting ice causes the sea monster to wash up on the beach. Photo: Siberian Times

Outwardly the animal looks like a globster. Photo: Siberian Times