Mother Hippo Bravely Defends Calf from Charging Elephant

In a touching display of maternal bravery, a mother hippo risked her life to protect her calf from an aggressive elephant bull at Erindi Private Game Reserve in Windhoek, Namibia. Wildlife photographer Rian Van Schalkwyk captured this extraordinary event.

The dramatic encounter began when the elephant charged at the hippo family. Sensing imminent danger, the mother hippo immediately confronted the massive intruder, allowing her calf to flee. Despite the vast size difference, she stood against the mighty elephant.

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The bull used its trunk to hurl her several feet into the air, an astonishing sight that left onlookers in awe, including Van Schalkwyk, who described it as the most spectacular scene he had ever witnessed.

Remarkably, the mother hippo survived with only minor injuries—a small cut and a bruised ego. Her courageous act underscored the incredible lengths a mother will go to protect her offspring.

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Van Schalkwyk, visiting the reserve with his family, Van Schalkwyk captured the entire sequence from a restaurant viewing deck.

He expressed gratitude for witnessing such a rare and awe-inspiring display of animal behavior.

With extensive experience in the bush, he was incredibly moved by the mother’s unwavering determination and profound maternal instincts.

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The incident occurred during a quiet afternoon, with most guests in their rooms, allowing Van Schalkwyk and his family to observe the interaction without distractions. It was an unforgettable experience that deeply moved them.

Unfortunately, the mother’s bravery did not garner support from the other hippos. Instead, the herd acted aggressively towards her, forcing her to retreat with her calf and stand apart from the group.

It was a bittersweet moment, highlighting the mother’s sacrifice for her calf and the subsequent rejection by her kind.

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The elephant bull continued to assert his dominance mock-charging other hippos and even chasing crocodiles from a nearby waterhole. Eventually, the elephant left, allowing the hippos to resume peacefully.

The mother and calf reunited, but the memory of the incredible encounter lingered on all who witnessed it.

For Van Schalkwyk, this was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. He felt privileged to witness such a raw and emotional display of animal behavior, which reminded him of the unbreakable bond between a mother and her offspring.

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The story of the mother hippo’s brass is a powerful reminder of the extraordinary lengths to which mothers in the animal kingdom—and humans—will go to ensure the safety and well-being of their children.

It is a testament to the strength of a mother’s love, transcending boundaries and defying all odds.

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