More than 100 wіɩd buffaloes horrifiedly сһагɡe to аttасk a ⱱісіoᴜѕ pride of lions after they dare to kіɩɩ a buffalo calf.D

“Kelbrick recounted, “This morning, I and the tourists set out to search for the iconic African lions. Shortly after leaving the camp, we followed the tracks of the Nkuhuma pride. They were hungry and trailing a large herd of buffalo.”

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Lions are adept at hunting large prey because they are the only large cats in Africa that live in prides. Hunting large prey is also the best way to feed seven hungry lions.

“With years of experience hunting buffaloes, the Nkuhuma pride is no stranger to selecting the weakest link and exploiting it. This time, a buffalo was cornered by the lion’s claws and fangs,” Kelbrick said.

Kelbrick and the group thought it was over, but the desperate cries of the buffalo were answered. Hundreds of buffaloes charged, trapping the injured male lion, Dark Maned Avoca, among the agitated herd.

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Buffaloes are among the few creatures in Africa that can pose a threat to lions. Their large horns and massive bodies make them formidable opponents. Lions must take risks to claim hundreds of kilograms of buffalo meat.

“Dark Mane Avoca, one of the pride’s males, didn’t know where to go and was overwhelmed with fear. Eventually, it sought refuge in nearby bushes, but the hostility of the herd prevented it from escaping. The lion was thrown into the air like a ragdoll, struck by horns and trampled by a series of hooves,” Kelbrick said.

Lion gets a painful surprise after attacking buffalo and ending up ...

The incident lasted about 15 minutes. Afterwards, Dark Mane Avoca’s cries caught the attention of the lion pride, prompting them to return and drive away the buffalo herd.

Buffalo Can KILL LION? Top 3 Moment Stupid Lions Attack Prey - Lion vs Wildebeest, Buffalo, Rhino - YouTube

Reflecting on the event, Kelbrick shared that the touring group departed with mixed emotions. Upon returning later in the day, they found Dark Mane Avoca still with the Nkuhuma pride but severely injured. “Despite the sadness, we must always remember that this is the wilderness, where nature can be ruthless, and survival is always a battle. The male lion has survived for 4 years with a limp and will fight until his last breath,” Kelbrick concluded.