Moon Mysteries Unveiled: Lunar Cameras Team Up to Reveal Enigmatic Structures in Shadowed Moon Crater

An ‘alien structure’ has been spotted rising off the surface of the moon, UFO hunters claim.

The disc-like object could be a mobile lunar base for aliens, according to the latest bizarre theory.

The radical claim has been made by controversial UFO channel SecureTeam10 who believes Nasa is covering up evidence of aliens.

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Images of an unnatural disc-like shape, pictured, were spotted on the surface of the moon by controversial conspiracy channel SecureTeam10

SectureTeam10 is one of the most viewed YouTube channels, with over 785,000 people subscribing to its conspiracy videos.

But the channel has come under fire, as Lions Ground, a rival channel, claims that it has been intentionally fooling its viewers.

According to Lions Ground, SecureTeam10 has been raking in an estimated £600 ($745) a day by posting fake videos that ‘outsmart UFO believers.’

But Lions Ground is not happy about this, and has told The Sun Online that many of SecureTeam10’s videos are damaging to ‘real’ UFO research.

The Marbella-based channel has produced a series of videos called ‘SecureTeam10 debunked’ calling SecureTeam10’s claims into question.

Heathcliff, the owner of Lions Ground, told The Sun Online: ‘He outsmarted the UFO believers and today he drives a fancy car thinking: thank you donkeys.’

The images were taken by the Nasa Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, which has been orbiting the moon for the last seven years.

The UFO hunters posted a series of photos taken by the satellite which show a disc-like object from different angles.

They have claimed that the unusual structure appears at different points of the moon’s surface, suggesting that the object is moving around.

They added that one image captures the disc-like object in the sky above the moon, suggesting that the structure could be a ‘mobile alien base’.

The conspiracy theorists also drew attention to another lunar photo which shows a crater that seems to be in the shape of a man-made triangle, with unnaturally clear edges.

They have said that this perfectly-shaped triangle has mysteriously now gone missing.

The group used Google Moon, a mapping tool similar to Google Earth, to scour the surface of the moon.

Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, told MailOnline: ‘Mysterious structures on the Moon have fascinated us for decades.

‘One of the most striking images in the popular imagination, is the Monolith discovered by astronauts on the Moon in Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey.

‘The images that are now being claimed as proof of artificial structures on the lunar surface are not so impressive, as they can be explained as being caused by natural structures and the way they are illuminated by the sun.’

The bizarre lunar structure could be a mobile base for aliens, according to conspiracy theorists from SecureTeam10

SectureTeam10 is one of the most viewed YouTube channels, with over 785,000 people subscribing to its conspiracy videos.

But the channel has come under fire, as Lions Ground, a rival channel, claims that it has been intentionally fooling its viewers.

According to Lions Ground, SecureTeam10 has been raking in an estimated £600 ($745) a day by posting fake videos that ‘outsmart UFO believers.’

The conspiracy theorists also drew attention to a crater that seems to be in the shape of a man-made triangle, pictured, with unnaturally defined edges

SecureTeam10 claim that the disc-like object (left, upper right) was also captured in the sky above the moon’s surface (bottom right)

But Lions Ground is not happy about this, and said that many of SecureTeam10’s videos are damaging to ‘real’ UFO research.

The Marbella-based channel has produced a series of videos called ‘SecureTeam10 debunked’ calling SecureTeam10’s claims into question.

Heathcliff, the owner of Lions Ground, told The Sun Online: ‘He outsmarted the UFO believers and today he drives a fancy car thinking: thank you donkeys.’

Talking about one of SecureTeam10’s videos which claims to show a ‘flying saucer’ in Antarctica, Heathcliff said that if was really just a pond.

He said: ‘This is nothing more than a collection of frozen water.

‘The only thing he has proven is a lack of research.’


They have claimed that the unusual structure, pictured, appears at different points of the moon’s surface, suggesting that the object is moving around

They have said that this perfectly-shaped triangle has mysteriously now gone missing from Google Moon, a mapping tool similar to Google Maps

NASA released this photo a few days ago and I found the structures that day. Not sure how they could overlook them, usually the structures get edited out, but I assume they left them for the public to find out about aliens. The evidence is mounting, soon it will be undeniable and the public will all know the truth.

Orbiting Lunar Cameras Join Forces to Weave Beautiful Mosaic of Shadowed Moon Crater

A new mosaic of the Shackleton Crater on the Moon’s south pole.

A new mosaic of the Shackleton Crater on the Moon’s south pole.

NASA released a new mosaic of an impact crater that perpetually lies in the shadows of the lunar south pole. By combining the light sensitivity of NASA’s ShadowCam with the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter’s ability to view shadowed regions, scientists put together a rare image of the Shackleton Crater as it appears in unprecedented detail.

LROC (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera) has been orbiting the Moon since 2009, while ShadowCam, a NASA instrument on board a KARI (Korea Aerospace Research Institute) spacecraft called Danuri, launched in August 2022.

Three points on the crater’s rim remain collectively sunlit for more than 90% of the year due to the Moon being slightly tilted on its axis at 1.5 degrees compared to Earth at 23.5 degrees, according to NASA. Sunlight never reaches the floor of the crater, however, rendering it permanently shadowed.

Previous evidence has suggested that permanently shadowed regions on the Moon may hold reservoirs of water ice, which could be used as a valuable resource for future crewed missions that want to land on the lunar surface.

“Future Artemis missions to the Moon’s South Pole may use these highly illuminated regions to make use of solar energy and support a base camp with trips into shadowed regions to determine what the low-temperature crater holds,” NASA wrote. “The South Pole also provides near constant communication with Earth.”

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