Meet the Star: Photographer’s Adorable Assistant Steals the Show on an Outdoor Expedition, Captivating Netizens Everywhere



After dedicating the best years of his life to an ungrateful family, the fate of a German shepherd named Heart seemed to be relegated to dying in complete abandonment and with multiple needs.

Heart, as his rescuer Gianna Serena Manfredi christened him, suffered from paralysis and dragged himself through the street in search of a little food. At night, the furry one returned as best he could to the old house where they had left him.

By the time he was rescued, volunteers tried to get Heart to move again, even using a wheelchair for a while, but the swelling in his spine was getting worse.

There wasn’t much they could do to get this old man back to health, but what they could definitely do was save his heart.

The woman wanted Heart to experience what love really meant before she left this world. In addition to that, the Samaritan woman made sure to give her a completely dignified and peaceful ending.

“And we went to the sea, it was beautiful, the wind caressed my ears, the waves crashed against the rocks, the sound of the sea in the still winter silence. It was really relaxing, I almost fell asleep forgetting all the pain of abandonment by those who loved me so little,” the organization wrote on Facebook.

The pain Heart endured during his abandonment is unimaginable, but these little angels of flesh and blood did everything they could to help him forget. The little dog spent his last days of life with the satisfaction of knowing that there are also good people on earth.